By Erguvan, For Erguvan

Monthly Orientation Program

13 August, 2023

By Erguvan, For Erguvan: A Successful Introductory Event of Building Connections and Exploring Projects Together!

Hello Erguvan enthusiasts!

We are thrilled to share the success of our recent event, “By Erguvan, For Erguvan.” It was an occasion where we strengthened our bonds as current members, introduced newcomers to our community, and delved into the details of exciting projects within Erguvan.

Recap of the Event:

  1. Meet and Greet: We kicked off the event with a warm and welcoming meet and greet session. Members, both long-standing and new, came together to create meaningful connections. It was a fantastic opportunity to get to know each other better and forge lasting friendships.
  1. “What is Erguvan?”: Our team provided valuable insights into the essence of Erguvan and its mission. For those curious about what Erguvan stands for, this session provided a comprehensive understanding of our goals and values.
  1. Projects and Committees: We showcased our diverse range of projects and committees within Erguvan. Members had the chance to explore our past achievements and ongoing initiatives. Moreover, we encouraged everyone to find ways to actively participate and contribute.
  1. Q&A Session: During the Q&A session, members had the chance to ask questions about Erguvan, our activities, and how to get involved. It was an interactive and informative segment that allowed for a deeper understanding of our organization.

We believe that community and collaboration are at the heart of our mission to promote art, culture, and positive change in the world. “By Erguvan, For Erguvan” was a remarkable event that exemplified the spirit of Erguvan—a vibrant community dedicated to making a difference through art and activism.

Whether you’ve been actively involved for some time or are just getting started, we want to express our gratitude for your participation in this event. Your presence made “By Erguvan, For Erguvan” a resounding success, and we look forward to continuing our journey together as we make Erguvan an even more remarkable place.

Warm regards,

The Erguvan Art & Academy Team

Our Collaborative

Participants’ Bucket List